7 Responses to My Site creation stuck at “We’re almost ready!” in SharePoint 2013

  1. Rune Mariboe says:

    Save me as well! Why is this no longer automatically configured? 😦

  2. k says:

    is it possible for you to provide in detail how to do the following which you mentioned as follows
    ◾Create a new web app
    ◾Create a site collection at the root using the My Site Host template
    ◾Assuming you want users’ MySites to be created at http://mySiteHost/personal/%5BJohn_Smith%5D, create a Managed Path for the web app. The path should be personal, and the type should be Wildcard Inclusion.
    ◾In User Profile Service Application, set My Site Host location to http://mySiteHost, and Personal Site Location to personal.
    ◾Enable Self-Service Site Creation for the web app

  3. Jason Vickers says:

    This was very helpful. Thanks for the post.

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  5. gibclassics says:

    thanks – I had gotten the wrong url n the “Personal Site Location”
    just the name of the wildcard enabled folder. ‘my’ or ‘sites’ or ‘personal’ or whatever

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